Introduction: What’s Alfa AWUS036NHA?
Alfa AWUS036NHA is one of the best wireless adapters for WiFi hacking and pentesting, ever made by Alfa. It uses the Atheros AR9271 chipset, which means that it will be natively supported by most Linux distributions including Kali Linux. This WiFi adapter is compatible with any brand 802.11g or 802.11n router using 2.4 ghz wave-length and supports MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output) with high speed transfer TX data rate up to 150 mbps.
Alfa AWUS036NHA USB Wifi Adapter [speces & features]
The Alfa AWUS036NHA USB Wifi Adapteris a stable, fast, and well-supported b/g/n wireless network adapter.
Specs & Features:
- Compatible with any brand 802.11b, 802.11g or 802.11n router using 2.4 Ghz wave-length
- Includes a 4 inch 5 ddbi screw-on swivel rubber antenna that can be removed and upgrade up to 9 dbi
- Supports the following security protocols: 64/128-bit wep, wpa, wpa2, tkip, aes
- Native support on Linux distros including Kali Linux (no need for drivers). Will work with Kali weather it is installed as a main OS or as a VM.
- Atheros AR9271 chipset
- aircrack-ng suite support.
- Monitor mode and packet injection support.
- High transmitter power of 28 dbm – for long-rang and high gain WiFi.

Supported OSs:
- Supported OS – Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Debian, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000.
WiFi Hacking with Alfa AWUS036NHA WiFi Adapter
If you’re searching for a reliable and affordable WiFi USB adapter to use with your Linux machine/VM, you won’t regret If you choose Alfa AWUS036NHA WiFi Adapter. This is one of the most and widely used USB Wi-Fi adaptor available. But why Alfa AWUS036NHA?
- Alfa AWUS036HHA USB WiFi adapter is one of the best options you have for wireless pentesting with Kali Linux (very popular among Kali Linux users).
- You can combined it with a Raspberry Pi and build your own Wi-Fi hacking computer.
- It’s small, it has an excellent range, and cheap price. The setup is straightforward, because drivers are already built in. You just need to plug the USB Wi-Fi adaptor to your device and start using it right away (Kali Linux & some other Linux distros).
- You can build your own long range hacking station.
- Unlike most of its predecessors, the AWUS036NHA supports all six wireless modes, which is very important for monitoring mode.
- You can capture a legitimate WPA2-PSK hash, capture the WPA 4-way handshake, reveal a hidden SSID, generate ARP frames for a WEP replay attack, perform man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, etc.
There are many wireless adapters that use this same chipset, butAlfa AWUS036HHA is the one that most experts, hackers and pentesters prefer to use. It’s more reliable and more stable than others, it’s highly affordable ($30-40) and flexible. Therefore, we can say that it’s the best Linux-compatible network adapter in its class.