OpenCTI: Version 4.5.3

05/19/2021 2:31 pm

OpenCTI: Version 4.5.3

Dear community, OpenCTI 4.5.3 has been released \U0001f973! Docker images for ARM and PPC images are now available as well as knowledge export in PNG and PDF from the UI (dashboards, graphs, kill chains, etc.) \U0001f680.

Some minor bugs on CSV export and reports display have been fixed. Our next milestones will now be focused re-introducing logical reasoning rules on the knowledge \U0001f525 and on custom subscriptions/digests, alerting, analyst features such as comments, feedback on data, etc \U0001f381.


  • #1357 Edit indicator_types of an indicator
  • #1355 Be able to export views, graphs and dashboards in PNG/PDF
  • #1352 Ability to filter by “No Label”
  • #1350 Ability to Update Vulnerability Severity, Availability Impact via GUI
  • #1349 Unable to update Indicator valid_until
  • #1341 Ability to edit objects in bulk within the context of a report
  • #1271 Add ARM support by building OCTI with multi-arch

Bug Fixes:

  • #1354 Lines view under Analysis shows all reports in the system instead of just the relevant ones