OpenCTI: Version 5.0.2

10/20/2021 3:16 pm

OpenCTI: Version 5.0.2

Dear community, OpenCTI 5.0.2 is now available \U0001f973! This new release fixes 13 minor issues and contains a lot of tiny enhancements \U0001f919.

The subscription scheduler is now optional by default, so SMTP configuration is not mandatory anymore \U0001f4a1. Graphs of knowledge have been enhanced (higher resolution in PNG exports, reports in knowledge aggregation, etc.) and external references can now be enforced (in configuration) on any creation or modification for traceability \U0001f4e1.

This release re-introduces the compatibility with ElasticSearch >= 7.10 (and OpenSearch >= 1.1) which has been broken in previous minor (5.0.1) \U0001f38a.

Among all bug fixes, we have worked to ensure more consistency between screens, including the resolution of errors when using RBAC / data segregation \U0001f9f1. Also, the computation of valid_until field of indicators has been fixed (for the moment no migration of already ingested indicators, it will be in the next minor release).

Stay tuned for the next upcoming major releases: case management, garbage collector, and a lot more to come \U0001f680!


  • #1646 Improve background task error logging
  • #1645 Prevent operation on inferences when not permitted
  • #1623 Create a view for external references
  • #1621 Make rule engine correctly supported in UI when disable
  • #1615 Make subscription scheduler optional by default
  • #1606 Rule manager auto restart support in multiple API env
  • #1601 Maintains support of OpenSearch (auto disable features require by elasticsearch 7.10.1+)
  • #1595 Expose express server metrics for prometheus
  • #1592 Add reports in master graph
  • #1591 Datetime field in dashboards
  • #1590 Filter timelines
  • #1589 Take files into account in synchronization
  • #1569 Restrict individual live streams to specific user Groups
  • #1436 Enhance resolution of images when exporting a graph in PNG/PDF

Bug Fixes:

  • #1647 Cannot query Course of Action by x_mitre_id or external_id
  • #1641 No error message if start date is after stop date
  • #1640 Opinion radar not visible with light theme
  • #1639 Delay to take into account changes resulting in dropping them
  • #1637 Error with relations display when modifying inferences
  • #1634 Indicator : “valid until” not correctly filled
  • #1631 Error with exports : troncated marking levels
  • #1629 Cities coordinates cannot be filled (lat and long)
  • #1624 Top 10 Active Entities (Dashboard) widget show only the top 8 entities
  • #1618 Observed data unknown in reports
  • #1612 Can\u2019t modify description field of entities
  • #1607 Can’t remove atime, mtime, ctime from File observable in GUI
  • #1603 Multiple Groups in SAML response are seen as a single string