Photon – Incredibly Fast Web Crawler

Photon is lightning fast web crawler, designed for recon, which extracts URLs, files, intel & endpoints from a target. It has a Ninja Mode, so you can use over 100 threads and everything will go smoothly.
Photon: Lightning Fast Web Crawler
Photon is very flexible web crawler with various options that allows you to control timeout, delay, add seeds, exclude URLs matching a regex pattern, etc. This extensive range of Photon options gives you freedom to crawl a web as you wish.
In addition, it has a smart thread management and refined logic that gives you high performance. Even besides this, it’s not all that Photon can offer you. You can jump in Ninja Mode (--ninja
), and to feel real speed boost, because you’ll have for clients making requests to the same server simultaneously. So, you don’t have to worry about slow connection.
Features (data extraction):
- URLs: in-scope & out-of-scope,
- URLs with parameters.
- Intel: emails, social media accounts, amazon buckets, etc.
- Files: pdf, png, xml, etc.
- Secret keys: auth/API keys & hashes,
- JavaScript files & Endpoints present in them
- Strings matching custom regex pattern
- Subdomains & DNS related data
Supported Platforms:
- Linux (Arch, Debian, Ubuntu), Termux, Windows, Mac
Compatibility & Dependencies
Photon is compatible with python 2.x - 3.x.
Beside standard python libraries, which comes preinstalled with a python interpreter, Photon requires:
- requests
- urllib3
- argparse
You can launch Photon using a lightweight Python-Alpine (103MB) Docker
$ git clone
$ cd Photon
$ docker build -t photon
$ docker run -it --name photon photon:latest -u
To view results you head over to the local docker volume, just run:
$ docker inspect photon
or by mounting the target loot folder:
$ docker run -it --name photon -v "$PWD:/Photon/" -u
If you want to install it as a library, just do as follows:
$ pip install photon --user
Photon is under heavy development and updates are frequent and regular. To check for updates, simply type --update.
usage: [options] -u --url root url -l --level levels to crawl -t --threads number of threads -d --delay delay between requests -c --cookie cookie -r --regex regex pattern -s --seeds additional seed urls -e --export export formatted result -o --output specify output directory -v --verbose verbose output --keys extract secret keys --exclude exclude urls by regex --stdout print a variable to stdout --timeout http requests timeout --ninja ninja mode --update update photon --dns enumerate subdomains & dns data --only-urls only extract urls --wayback Use URLs from as seeds --user-agent specify user-agent(s)\
To crawl a single website, simply type -u
or --url:
$ python -u ""