Server Side JavaScript Injection Tool – NodeXP

Server Side JavaScript Injection Tool – NodeXP


NodeXP is a Server Side Javascript Injection tool capable of detecting and exploiting Node.js vulnerabilities.

For usage example(s) check: Server Side JavaScript Injection with NodeXP (Usage Example, SSJI, Metasploit)

Disclaimer: The tool’s purpose is strictly academic and was developed in order to conduct author master’s thesis. It could also be helpful during the process of a penetration test on Node.js services. Any other malicious or illegal usage of the tool is strongly not recommended and is clearly not a part of the purpose of this research.

NodeXP Banner Terminal

NodeXP: Detection and Exploitation Tool for Node.js Services

It’s an intergrated tool, written in Python 2.7, capable of detecting possible vulnerabilities on Node.js services as well as exploiting them in an automated way.


  • Python 2.7
  • Metasploit Framework
  • msfvenom
  • Kali Linux (or any other Linux distro with Metasploit Framework installed)

NodeXP Testbeds:

  • Download/run Node.js files for GET/POST cases from here.
  • Visit or install Nodegoat to your local machine.

NodeXP Install

Clone it from the github repository:

$ git clone


To get a list of all available options run:

$ python --help
usage: --url URL [--pdata POST_DATA] [--cookies COOKIES]
                 [--tech {blind,result}] [--rand {char,num,all}]
                 [--digits [16-48]] [--time [100-20000]] [--loop [1-1000]]
                 [--email_length [1-24]] [--num_length [1-10]]
                 [--char_length [1-40]] [--time_factor [1.0-4.0]]
                 [--valid_loop [2-100]] [--payload_path {0,1}]
                 [--rc_path {0,1}] [--lhost LHOST] [--lport LPORT]
                 [--encode {0,1}] [--diff {0,1}] [--info {0,1}] [-h]

Arguments Help Manual For NodeXP - Server Side Javascript Injection Tool

Initial arguments:
  --url URL, -u URL     Enter the desirable URL. If it has GET parameters
                        enter "[INJECT_HERE]" on the parameter you want to
                        inject on the --url. If it uses POST data then you
                        have to use --pdata flag.
  --pdata POST_DATA, -p POST_DATA
                        Enter the POST data and place "[INJECT_HERE]" on the
                        parameter you want to inject on.
  --cookies COOKIES, -c COOKIES
                        Enter cookies on your request headers.
  --tech {blind,result}, -t {blind,result}
                        Select an injection technique between blind injection
                        and results based injection. Keys: blind, result.
                        Default value = result

Results based injection arguments:
  --rand {char,num,all}, -r {char,num,all}
                        Select the type of random generated string between
                        characters only, numbers only or both. Keys: char,
                        num, all. Default value = char
  --digits [16-48], -d [16-48]
                        Enter the number of digits or chars of the random
                        generated string, between 16 to 48. Default value = 16

Blind injection arguments:
  --time [100-20000], -time [100-20000]
                        Time threshold on blind injection in millieseconds.
                        Default value = 250
  --loop [1-1000], -l [1-1000]
                        Number of requests done to specify the average
                        response time. Be careful, big values may be
                        considered as brute force or dos attacks by website.
                        Default value = 10
  --email_length [1-24], -elen [1-24]
                        Length of the characters given as input to the
                        vulnerable parameter, ex. email=''.
                        Default value = 9
  --num_length [1-10], -nlen [1-10]
                        Length of the characters given as input to the
                        vulnerable parameter. ex. tel=2102589834. Default
                        value = 2
  --char_length [1-40], -clen [1-40]
                        Length of the characters given as input to the
                        vulnerable parameter. ex. input='My Surname'. Default
                        value = 10
  --time_factor [1.0-4.0], -time_factor [1.0-4.0]
                        Time factor for minimum time threshold. Default value
                        = 2
  --valid_loop [2-100], -valid_loop [2-100]
                        Number of requests done to specify the validity of the
                        blind injection results. Be careful, big values may be
                        considered as brute force or dos attacks by
                        webservers. Default value = 10

Exploitation arguments:
  --payload_path {0,1}, -pp {0,1}
                        Set payload path to default or type new payload path
                        later. The payload name will be 'nodejs_payload.js'.
                        Default value = 1 (cwd/scripts/) ex. -pp=1
  --rc_path {0,1}, -rp {0,1}
                        Set .rc script path to default or type new .rc script
                        path later. The .rc script name will be
                        'nodejs_shell.rc' Default value = 1 (cwd/scripts/) ex.
  --lhost LHOST, -lh LHOST
                        Local host ip address. ex. -lh=""
  --lport LPORT, -lp LPORT
                        Ip address port number. ex. -lp="6666"
  --encode {0,1}, -enc {0,1}
                        Base64 encoding on your payload. Default value = 1 ex.

Printing arguments:
  --diff {0,1}, -diff {0,1}
                        Print the HTML differences of the responses between
                        valid and malicious requests. Default value = 1
  --info {0,1}, -info {0,1}
                        Print additional info. Default value = 1

Other arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

You might encounter some issues like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: No module named colorama
ImportError: No module named bs4

Install missing modules:

$ sudo pip install colorama
$ sudo pip install bs4

Note: By default, NodeXP is relying on gnome-terminal to interact with Metasploit. If not already present on the system install it:

$ sudo apt install gnome-terminal

You’re not required to do so. You can manually run NodeXP generated payload.

Examples for POST/GET cases:

$ python --url="" --pdata="preTax=[INJECT_HERE]" -c="connect.sid=s:i6fKU7kSLPX1l00WkOxDmEfncptcZP1v.fy9whjYW0fGAvbavzYSBz1C2ZhheDuQ1SU5qpgVzbTA"
$ python --url="" --pdata="preTax=[INJECT_HERE]" -c="connect.sid=s:i6fKU7kSLPX1l00WkOxDmEfncptcZP1v.fy9whjYW0fGAvbavzYSBz1C2ZhheDuQ1SU5qpgVzbTA" --tech=blind

$ python --url="[INJECT_HERE]" -c="connect.sid=s:i6fKU7kSLPX1l00WkOxDmEfncptcZP1v.fy9whjYW0fGAvbavzYSBz1C2ZhheDuQ1SU5qpgVzbTA"
$ python --url="[INJECT_HERE]" -c="connect.sid=s:i6fKU7kSLPX1l00WkOxDmEfncptcZP1v.fy9whjYW0fGAvbavzYSBz1C2ZhheDuQ1SU5qpgVzbTA" --tech=blind

Testbeds Usage


  • Node.js server on local machine

In order to start working with NodeXP, you need to set the Node.js testing services (/testbeds).

First of all, you should install body-parser and express packages in the GET and POST directories. Go to testbeds/GET directory and run:

$ npm install express --save

Then go to testbeds/POST directory and run:

$ npm install body-parser --save
$ npm install express --save
After the correct package installation, run each service by running the command node and the desirable js file (ex. node eval.js).  

Now you can run NodeXP and test it upon provided testbeds.

Example for GET:

$ python --url=http://localiprunningnodejsserver:3001/?name=[INJECT_HERE]

Example for POST:

$ python --url=http://localiprunningnodejsserver:3001/post.js --pdata=username=[INJECT_HERE]

Payloads (Maintain & Update)

Payloads, for both Blind and Results Based Injection technique, are stored in:

  • /files/blind_payloads.txt and
  • /files/payloads.txt

You can find payloads in every odd line number of text files and their responses in every even line number of the payloads.txt file, if it’s a Results Based Injection case.

If you want to stop injection process (stop parsing and injecting payloads), just type ---end(nextline)---end delimiter. It works for both Blind and Result Based Injection cases. In addition, you can even maintain and update the payload.txt files with your own payloads, as far as you follow the instructions above.

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